I have to say Katie smiles but it is not the same thing as when she grins. I adore both, but it is the grin that makes me laugh. She is such a cutie pa-tootie that I find her hard to resist. Hopefully she'll suffer no complex from the amount of times a day I kiss her sweet cheeks!
This is a Katie smile:
And this is the Katie grin (a version of it):

My Beloved thinks she looks almost Asian when she grins because of the way her eyes squint...and then there is her coloring as well. Her mouth gets real flat when she grins. Oh, and did I mention the grin is often times accompanied by a squawk of some sort? Yep, it even comes with sound effects. :)
I was trying to do a bathtub picture similar to one I had done when Kiersten was a baby. She had so little hair and I made her a Mohawk in the tub and took her picture. I was searching for it to add to the post but just couldn't find it. I'll have to look again so I show my girls as babies side by side. Anyhow, the Mohawk didn't quite work for Katie, as she has so much more hair than the KK girl did at this age. Katie has what I call a 'wave' going on. She looks a little Elvisy, although that was not my intention. Oh well, it is the grin I managed to capture, not the hair. :)
And lastly, the Katie kitty (featuring the smile).

These are Kiersten's cat ears from her Halloween costume this past year. As you can see they never were put away. Anyhow, Kiersten got them on Katie's head and there they surprisingly remained! Katie doesn't try to take them off, rather she continues on as if they weren't even there. Too cute. I just think she is too precious for words. She is so special and so loved.
What a cutie! We all think she is a cutie patootie too!
Wow, a lot of hair! My little one is still super bald. You're a wonderful momma, by the way. Katie is beautiful!
May I add those two bottom teeth completely melt my heart! She is just too precious!
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