I have been neglectful about getting some pictures up of the kids' recently so we'll be loading this one up a little :) We have been doing well, keeping busy with school, dance and church. The kids' have also been struggling with colds. This is the second one within a months time which is unusual. Isaiah went down first and now Kiersten is struggling through it. We'll just pray Katie avoids this one as well. In light of how the little ones are feeling today is a movie day. We went to the doctor's office this morning for Katie's 4 month check-up and Kiersten's yearly check-up. Both girls look good and are growing well :) The Katie girl is hanging out below in one of her favorite toys smiling like a loon. :)
School time is going more smoothly for me. I am getting into the routine. My only obstacle is Katie. She hasn't been taking long naps, just small catnaps every few hours. This only frees me up for 40minutes or so here and there. She does well until she gets tired and then it is holding time or feeding time. I definitely forgot how much work babies are. Love them as you do they just really take up a lot of time. Anyhow, back to school time. So the picture of Kiersten is with some flowers we purchased for the things we are learning in science. She has been doing a lot with flowers and plants. We bought the roses to get a better look at the parts of a flower. I only needed one, but the price difference between one rose and the bouquet was so small I thought it would be worth it to see my princess smile. Which she most certainly did!Right now we are growing bean plants in jars. We'll be transplanting those in a few days and then we'll be running some experiments with them. I'll have to take a picture of two of Kiersten's nature diary. It is just precious :)
We have taken a few family trips around the area the last few weekends. We were headed out to our favorite pumpkin patch 2 weeks ago only to find it was for sale! We were really bummed. Since we were already out and had promised some fun we decided to head over to an apple orchard. This picture shows the 3 trouble makers in the 'apple tree'. It ended up being a lovely morning playing outside and getting some pumpkins and apples. We have since decorated our pumpkins (picture coming soon!) with paint. I think we'll have to head to an orchard next year where the kids' can pick the apples themselves.
Then this past weekend we headed out to a pumpkin fest at a nearby town. It was really a nice time as the kids' and I needed to get out of the house. Wouldn't you know it though my camera batteries died after only a few pictures!!! So frustrating. I think I need to buy another set and keep them in the camera case so this ceases to be a problem for me. Luckily I did manage to get a few pictures as the kids' were feeding the animals. Isaiah was giggling so hard when the goats or llamas would come attack his hand. I tell you that laugh is just precious. Kiersten isn't so fond of the pushy animals and always tries to feed the babies. She isn't quick enough usually and the older ones butt in to steal the food. The two of them also did a little pony ride and when they were done my beloved said Isaiah went, "Yay! I winned!" What little nuts. We then managed to go on a horse cart ride and grab a few treats. The weather was nice fall weather - little crisp, but not too cold.So we are looking ahead to Halloween and jumping in the leaves outside. I'll be posting more pictures here soon of the pumpkins and the kids'. Love to all my family and friends and have a blessed day!
We shall have to get you a second set of batteries, my dear friend! We wouldn't want to miss any precious moments for lack of batteries! I hope the illness leaves your house soon. Missed your beautiful smile on Tuesday!
Hope you guys a feeling better! Don't forget Halloween, my house, pizza and trick or treat.
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