Hello again! I know, long time no real post about the children. Well, minus some pictures (to be added tomorrow) the kids are doing well. Going a little stir crazy every now and again (I'm not super awesome about getting them out in the snow), but overall good.
So divide and conquer is what is happening in our house. With the coming of #4 it made us think of how we need to rearrange some sleeping arrangements to make subsequent room for another child. We have 3 small bedrooms upstairs. Kiersten and Isaiah share a room, Katie girl has the middle and then the other room was being used as the computer/catch all room (being generous with saying catch all).
We had decided we needed to move Isaiah out to the computer room (and the computer goes to the basement...not finished as it is more a cellar type basement) and the girls' stay where they are for now. Then come June when little Miss Katie turns 2 we'll add her to Kiersten's room and the baby goes in the baby room. :)
It was time to separate Isaiah and Kiersten. Bedtime was frequently becoming a headache as they mess around constantly. He gets out of bed and she directs from her bed...so as never to be caught herself. Oh, we always knew who the real mastermind was. So each night it is, "Isaiah, stay in bed!" and "Kiersten, don't you say a word to him!". The constant battle wears on a person as Isaiah is not a quick learner where discipline is concerned.
So this week has been the week of doing and not just chatting about moving children around. Since my Beloved was off for the week he needed something to keep him busy and I needed a go to man to get the job started. A win, win situation. Beloved moved everything out, which was a task in and of itself and arranged things downstairs. He made it nice and easy to go in there today and get a fresh coat of light blue paint on the walls. He even took the children away for the afternoon just so that I could paint without one or more of them crying at the door the entire time I was in there. That was a real treat!
I'll post pictures on the 'morrow of the newly painted (and of the kids!), empty room that will soon occupy the Biggest Man.
Oh and Happy and Blessed 2010 to you are yours! Sending love and blessings your way. :)
The Spiritual Practice of Not Giving Up
10 hours ago
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