Anyhow, one thing that caught my attention was through a book we were reading called The Light at Tern Rock by Julia L. Sauer. It takes place just before and around Christmas time. The thing that caught my attention was that one of the characters always had a habit of cleaning the house thoroughly on Christmas Eve. It did not matter where they were - they readied the place where they were for the coming of the Christ child. The story was that instead of Santa visiting each home it was the Christ child whom would go to and fro through houses and visit. So this character wanted everything to be in tip top shape for when the Christ child would come. That is also why people leave candles and such burning on Christmas Eve, so that He can see the way to your house.
It just hit me and connected with me - getting and keeping my heart ready and clean for God. I have ready My Heart Christ's Home and it talks about my relationship with God using the picture of my heart as a house with many rooms in it. (If you want to read it, please click on the link.) It especially hits home as we approach Christmas and are trying to change a few things we do to celebrate, particularly with respect to gifts, giving and receiving them. I am just so thankful for all the little ways the Lord sneaks something in on me in the most loving of ways.
Speaking of lessons, and as a side note we were doing a project today for science around measuring. Kiersten had a picture of Gallon Boy but we just had to make a Gallon Girl :)
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