We ended up having a family birthday party on Easter, the weekend before his birthday, and then an immediate family (just the 5 of us) celebrated on his actual birthday. These pictures are from the party we had on Easter.
It was a good day and so was his actual birthday. We’ll have to remember to not be suspenseful with his gifts next year and just let him open them all first thing in the morning. We had let him open 2 gifts before we went to church and were saving the others (don’t ask me why) until later. He just couldn’t get those off his mind and immediately when everyone was home from church he tore the last few open. He was so quick with everything I didn’t grab a single picture of him that day! : )
I did make him carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting so we would have cake on his birthday. You just cannot have cake or some special treat on your actual birthday even if the big party was early! He in no way minded having 2 parties and thus having his special day strewn out over a week. Spoiled little thing…but he is just 5 and so cute. We’ll let it slide this year. Next year? Who knows?
Happy Birthday to Isaiah!
Happy Birthday! Sweet post.
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